
Sheep are an integral part of the farm for many reasons. Pictured here are the Dorper lambs from the 2011 season. These fantastic fellows improved our soil by grazing our pasture. As they ate the luscious grasses they stimulated new growth which helped to continue the biological activity beneath the soil surface. Also leaving their own fertilizer for the pastured poultry to scatter about on the surface. The lambs were on this pasture from May 2011 thru October 2011 and were moved every seven to ten days to a new plot on the pasture, never occupying the same piece of ground more than once. This intensive movement prohibits any possible parasite problems.

We plan to build multiple flocks of heritage breeds that will not only give us wonderful meat, but quality wool as well.

Dorper Spring Lambs 2011 Season

We now have Tunis sheep on the farm! Tunis are one of the oldest, if not the oldest breed of Sheep on the planet, dating back three thousand years to the area now known as Tunisia. Currently the flock consists of a seven year old ewe, three year old ewe, one ram, and two nine month old ewes.

Entering into the world of breeding and building a flock is exciting and extremely rewarding.